Website Audits
- Does your website simply convey your business’ message to your audience?
- Can a user find pertinent information about your company and staff, services and products? Is it user friendly?
- Do you want to change your website, but you don’t know where to start?
Website content review provides effective, actionable information that a business can use to update branding, revise messaging, and organize content to supply the audience with the information they want to read.
Editing & Proofreading
- Have a speech, project, or presentation and would like a second pair of eyes?
- Would you like an editor to help you gather those important points to share on your blog or in the work presented to others?
- Need a proofreader to make sure there are no typos or misinterpreted punctuation?
As an editor, I work with you to share your story and experience. Together, we uncover the most relevant and poignant ideas that build your professional expertise. Please contact me with any questions.
Develop Website Content
- Do you know the business’ message and who the business’ audience is?
- How does the business want to cover its products and services on a website?
- Does it include a sales funnel?
Websites are 24/7 marketing machines. Content is not merely words on a page; it’s also images, connection, and individualization. For a website to be effective as a sales tool, the user/ consumer needs to feel connected to the company. The business, writer and web development team MUST work together to develop relevant information that impacts the reader, cultivating the desire for the audience to interact with the company.
People are fun to talk with, so I interview them. People gravitate to me to share their story. Getting to the heart of a situation, or finding out an important fact that illuminates a larger point is general conversation in my opinion. Staying positive, helping others, building a community is also something I think is an imperative function of a writer.
White Papers
- Does the content that your business provides help people do something, make something, or learn something?
- Content remains king, so how much time and effort are you and your team able to spend developing content?
- How well do you know your audience?
Content is more about outreach and sharing, learning and giving, helping someone improve their mindset, so they feel better. It’s also very much about telling a story. People can read and remember stories better than they can read lists, but it all depends on the reason they are reading. Want to win the game of content? KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE!
Writer on Retainer
- Would you like a writer on retainer?
- Wouldn’t it be great so you can hand-off tasks to someone who can string words together and get your content calendar managed?
I can work with your budget and help you complete content tasks, so you spend your time working your business. Please contact me with questions.
Sometimes people just want an ear, someone to talk to and find out what they think. Of course, it helps when the person you’re asking studies the subject that you need help with. I share my skills, knowledge, and abilities with others in conversation, helping them to build a book, a strategy for marketing themselves, content for their business. Initial consultations are complimentary. The best thing that happens is that you find out what you don’t want to do, so you can decide what you do want.